Baptizing Your Child Ages 5 – 8
“Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit…” – Matthew 28:19-20
Congratulations on the birth of your child! We at Christ the King Catholic Church are so pleased that you are desirous of having your baby Baptized. The Baptism of your child provides an opportunity to examine your own Christian life and spirituality. You are saying that you want to share your living Catholic Christian faith with your child; this is a serious commitment to raise your child within the community of believers and to educate them in the truths of the Catholic faith.
It is presumed that a central part of this commitment be weekly Mass attendance. If parents are not able to make this commitment at this time they should consider their motivation and reasons for baptizing their child.
We are blessed with a large parish at Christ the King. Because of this, Baptisms are generally scheduled about three months out. Please do not delay! You can get this process started early.
Baptismal Preparation Process Step by Step Guide for Children Ages 5 – 8
Welcome! Thank you for inquiring about Baptism here at Christ the King. We are excited for you and look forward to journeying with you as you prepare for this exciting time in your family’s life.
Here is a step by guide to help through preparation process for Baptism.
Step 1 – Parish Registration
If a family is not already a registered member of Christ the King, the New Parishioner Form can be found at the Parish Office Monday – Friday 8am – 4pm. It is also available at the Welcome Desk in the Narthex of the church before and after each Sunday Mass. You can also obtain this form by contacting Neil Kennedy or Maggi Neil in the Ministry Office.
If your family is registered at another Catholic church, we would ask for a letter of permission from your pastor giving permission for your child’s baptism to take place here at Christ the King.
Step 2 – Baptism Request Form
This form gives basic information regarding the name of the child to be baptized as well as information on godparents. Please complete our online Baptism Request Form at
Step 3 – Meeting with the Coordinator of Adult Faith Formation
This meeting is for the parents and our Coordinator of Adult Faith Formation to discuss the baptismal process, answer any questions, and to get to know each other. This meeting can be scheduled at https://calendly.com/ctk-nkennedy/baptism-initial-meeting.
Step 4 – Certificate of Completion of Baptism Class from Parents
The parents of the child would have an opportunity to participate in our Baptism Classes here at Christ the King. These classes are designed to be interactive and provide opportunities for learning, meeting other parents, and deepening your own spiritual life.
You can sign up for our baptism classes (Session A and Session B) at
Those parents who have completed baptism classes Session A and B at Christ the King in 2017 or later are not required to take another baptism class.
Parents also have the option of attending a Baptism Class at another parish. Parents that choose this option would need to return a certificate or letter of completion from the other parish to the Office of Adult Faith Formation. A baptism class from another parish would need to be completed from 2017 or later.(over)
Step 5 – Godparent Eligibility Form
This form is found here. A separate form is needed for each godparent. The top of this form can be filled out by each Godparent. The form can then be brought to the godparent’s parish of registration to complete the bottom of the form. This form can then be mailed back to Neil Kennedy at Christ the King. Each family has a few options when it comes to godparents and Christian Witnesses:
- Godparent/Christian Witness Options
- A child may be baptized with:
- No godparents and no Christian Witness.
- One godparent (a godfather or a godmother).
- One godparent and a Christian Witness of the opposite gender of the godparent.
- A godfather and a godmother and no Christian Witness.
- A child may be baptized with:
- Notes about Godparents
- Here are the minimum requirements for being a godparent:
- Baptized, Confirmed, and have received First Communion in the Catholic Church.
- Age 16 or over.
- If married, are married in the Catholic Church, have had the marriage convalidated, or received proper permissions from the couple’s pastor and/or bishop for a marriage to be recognized by the Catholic Church.
- If single, not cohabitating with someone outside of marriage.
- Not the parents of the child being baptized.
- Registered at a Catholic Church and regular participation in Mass.
- Reception of the sacrament of Penance (Reconciliation) at least once a year.
- Those who have been baptized Catholic and are practicing another Christian tradition are not eligible to be a godparent.
- Here are the minimum requirements for being a godparent:
- Notes about Christian Witnesses
- If a family chooses to have a Christian Witness, the Christian Witness does not need to complete a Baptism Class but will need to submit a Proof of Baptism. This can be a baptismal certificate or a letter from the church of baptism.
- Those who have been baptized Catholic and are practicing another Christian tradition are not eligible to be a Christian Witness.
Step 6 – Godparent Certificate of Completion for Baptismal/Godparent Class
Each Godparent would need to show completion of a Godparent/Baptismal class. If the class is taken at Christ the King, godparents are specifically invited to session B. If the Baptismal/Godparent Class is taken at another parish, we ask for a letter or certificate of completion from the parish. In either case, a baptismal class would need to be completed in 2017 or later. Godparents can sign up for a baptism class (Session B) at https://ctk-tampa.typeform.com/to/Prs1vrRd.
Step 7 – Baptism Preparation Classes for Children ages 5-8
Children between 5-8 years old can comprehend much more than an infant or toddler and can understand more about Baptism. To prepare these older children, we have five 30-minute sessions that help the child understand what happens during a Baptism, how it relates to the other sacraments, and what happens to the soul.
These sessions can be in person or online and can be scheduled through https://calendly.com/ctk-nkennedy/baptism-preparation-class-for-a-5-8-year-old with Neil Kennedy. These sessions would be one on one (or together with siblings), however, we ask that a parent be present in the room (for online) or in the RE office (for in person) for these baptismal preparation sessions.
Step 8 – Request Date of Baptism
Once all paperwork has been returned and all Baptism Classes have been completed for parents, godparents, and Christian Witnesses (if needed), you will receive an email with a list of dates of baptisms that are available. Please respond to this email with your preferred date from that list. You will receive an email from Neil or Maggi that explicitly confirms that you are on the schedule for that desired date. Please note: No children will be scheduled for baptism until you have received this confirmation email. Please refrain from making any plans until you have received this confirmation email. If you are unsure if your date is confirmed, please ask prior to making any plans.
For More Information:
Neil Kennedy
Adult Formation & Evangelization Coordinator
Maggi Neil
Worship & Faith Formation Secretary
Baptismal Preparation PDFs:
Baptism Step by Step Guide Ages 5-8
Have a Question?
The answer might be here! Please see Baptism: Frequently Asked Questions.
Godparents & Christian Witnesses FAQ