Unless otherwise noted, for more information contact Kathleen Mault, worship coordinator, at 813.876.5841, ext. 2223 or KMault@CTK-Tampa.org.
Altar Servers
Young people in the fifth grade or older are eligible to serve after successfully completing a training session.
Is your child interested? If so, click here to register!
Art and Environment Committee
The Art and Environment Committee helps plan seasonal enhancement of our liturgical environment. Contact Amanda at amanda@rowebot.net
Eucharistic Adoration
Pray in front of the Blessed Sacrament, the Living Christ. Christ the King offers Eucharistic Adoration every Wednesday, 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. in the church. Contact the parish office at 813.876.5841 for more information.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, or EMHC, assist clergy in administering the Body and Blood of Christ at Mass.
Interested in volunteering? Contact Kathleen Mault kmault@ctk-tampa.org if you are interested in being contacted to volunteer in the future.
For information about our Homebound Ministry, click here.
Lectors proclaim the Word of God in a reverent and dignified manner at weekend Masses.
Interested in volunteering? Contact Kathleen Mault kmault@ctk-tampa.org if you are interested in being contacted to volunteer in the future.
Music Ministry
Click here to learn about our Music Ministry.
Ushers provide hospitality and facilitate orderly seating of the assembly, help seniors get settled comfortably, hand out bulletins, and provide directions or other help if needed. Contact Kathleen Mault kmault@ctk-tampa.org if you are interested in becoming an usher.
Additional Liturgical Opportunities
40 Hours Devotion: Learn more here.
Art and Environment Committee helps plan seasonal enhancement of our liturgical environment.
The Lazarus Guild is comprised of parishioners who assist with funeral services. For more information, contact Katie Holland at kholland@ctk-tampa.org