Boy Scouts

Christ the King Pack 45 is looking for boys (K – 5th grade) who love adventure and want to join us for a “bronco-bustin’, Cattle-rustlin’ ” scout experience this year. Contact Jay Lopez for more information at


Cub Scouts

Boys 1st – 5th grade, contact the Cub Master at


Girl Scouts

Girls K through 5th grade; Contact Emily Barber at



For infants – 4 years on Sunday mornings during Mass and some Wednesday and Thursday mornings for parish events. Contact Mary Paris at


Religious Education 

For children in K-8th grade, it includes Sacramental Preparation for First Reconciliation, First Communion, and Confirmation.

Click here for more information.


Vacation Bible School 

Vacation Bible School is a wonderful opportunity for kids to learn more about our faith in a fun and entertaining setting. One week each summer for grades EC4 – 6th. Adult & Teen volunteers are always needed to assist, contact Jim if interested.




Youth Ministry 


Edge is our weekly Youth Meeting for teens in grades 6-8 held on Fridays. (Aug-May). At Edge we discuss our faith, play games, and pray together. Every Edge night is different because every one is different. Some Edge nights are very athletic, some are artistic, some are social, some are more introspective, and so on. In addition to our weekly and monthly programming we offer a variety of events throughout the school year as well as two summer trips.

Life Teen 

Life Teen is our weekly Youth Meeting for teens in grades 9-12 on Sundays. (Aug-May). At Life Teen we have dinner, a conversation about our faith, games, fellowship prayer and dessert. In addition to our weekly and monthly programming we offer a variety of events throughout the school year as well as two summer trips.