Becoming Catholic?
Regardless of how you have arrived here, you’ve come to the right place. We will journey with you towards wherever God is leading you.
Many times people come with questions, while others may have a lingering “feeling” that God is leading them toward Catholicism. Still, others may have been practicing Catholicism at some point in their lives, but for many different reasons, their lives have gone in other directions. Other adults may have been baptized Catholic, but not received any other sacraments since then.
Regardless of where you are in your journey, you are welcome here. There is no pressure, no hard sell to “become Catholic”—just a desire to walk with you towards Christ.
What is OCIC?
OCIC stands for Order of Christian Initiation of Children. OCIC is the process whereby children ages 9 -13 may be initiated into and fully enter the Catholic Church. It is for non-Catholic children who have not completed their own sacraments of initiation.
The OCIC Process:
The Order of Christian Initiation of Adults Adapted for Children (O.C.I.C.) Information for Children 9-13 Years Old
Regardless of how you have arrived here, you’ve come to the right place. We will journey with you towards wherever God is leading you.
Many times, people come with questions while others may have a lingering “feeling” that God is leading them towards Catholicism. Still, others may have been practicing Catholicism at some point in their lives, but for many different reasons, their lives have gone in other directions. Other adults may have been baptized Catholic, but not received any other sacraments since then.
Regardless of where you are in your journey, you are welcome here. There is no pressure, no hard sell to “become Catholic”. Just a desire to walk with you towards Christ.
As a starting point, this packet includes a general description of the forms and paperwork that are part of the process. The OCIA process is much more than just paperwork, but this packet could be helpful as a checklist of the items needed.
Schedule a Meeting with the Coordinator of Adult Faith formation and Evangelization
In this meeting we will get to know each other as well as discuss the OCIC process that would be best for you. You can schedule this meeting with Neil Kennedy at This meeting would usually last 45-60 minutes and be in person or online.
The following paperwork will be explained during this meeting:
The OCIC Registration Form
This form is what gives us general information about yourself which ensures we have you on the best path for your own situation. This can be filled out at
Registration in the Parish
As you begin the OCIA process, you may come to a point where you become fairly certain that you would like to be a registered member of Christ the King. This can be done even if you are not Catholic. This form can be obtained from the RE Office or the Parish Office during the week and at the Welcome Desk after all Sunday Masses. Once this form is completed it can be returned to the parish office, the welcome desk in the narthex of the church after any weekend Mass, or it can be emailed to
Proof of Baptism (for those who have been baptized)
If you have not been baptized, you can skip this part. For those who have been baptized, we would need proof of that baptism. It will commonly come in the following ways:
- A copy of your baptismal certificate (if one was given)
- A letter from your church of baptism stating the date of your baptism and your church of baptism.
If you have questions about obtaining a proof of baptism, please contact Neil Kennedy at
Godparent/Sponsor Eligibility Form
Each person in the OCIC process has the opportunity to choose a faith mentor. For those who are seeking baptism, this person would be called a godparent. All godparents would complete a Godparent Eligibility Form found here.
For those in OCIC who are already baptized in the Catholic Church or who are validly baptized in another Christian denomination, their faith mentor would be called a sponsor. All sponsors would complete a Sponsor Eligbility Form found here.
The godparent or sponsor would fill out the top portion of their form. He/she would then bring it to the Catholic church they are registered at. That church would complete the bottom of the form.
For More Information:
Neil Kennedy,
Adult Formation & Evangelization Coordinator
Maggi Neil,
Faith Formation Assistant