Eucharistic Adoration
Pray in front of the Blessed Sacrament, the Living Christ. Christ the King offers Eucharistic Adoration every Wednesday, 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. in the church. Contact the parish office at 813.876.5841 for more information.
Once a Month 24 hour Adoration
Once a month we have 24 hour adoration (Wednesday 9:00am – Thursday 9:00am) sign up to be an adorer here.
Upcoming Dates: Feb. 7th | March 6th | April 3rd | May 1st
To apply to become a lector, contact Kathleen Mault Ext. 2223
Eucharistic Minister of Holy Communion
To apply to become a Eucharistic Minister of Holy Communion, contact Kathleen Mault. Ext. 2223
Eucharistic Minister of Holy Communion to the Homebound
To apply to become a Eucharistic Minister of Holy Communion to the homebound, contact Katie Holland Ext. 2233