APA provides resources to:
- Prepare seminarians for priesthood
- Educate all Catholics in their faith through Catholic Schools, Religious Education and Adult Faith Formatiom
- Offer assistance to individuals and families in crisis
- Strengthen all forms of parish worship
- Broadcast Christ’s message to all daily
- Provide parishes with professional consultation on real estate, legal, church design and administrative issues
- Gifts to the Annual Pastoral Appeal reduce the parish’s financial commitment to the Diocese, which maintains funds for ministry on the parish level.
How can I support the APA?
With God’s love in your heart we ask that you to make a sacrificial commitment that can be paid over a ten month period. Please consider a gift that is meaningful – a gift from your heart. All gifts are welcomed and valued. We invite you to respond in the following ways:
- Offer a prayer of thanksgiving for those who have given to the Annual Pastoral Appeal.
- Reflect on Christ’s call to be Catholic Stewards who accept responsibility to return a portion of the gifts we have received from God in gratitude.
- Make a sacrificial gift or pledge according to your means and current circumstances.
“Jesus taught us that we are one body. What affects anyone of us, affects us all. Gifts to the Annual Pastoral Appeal demonstrate our care for our sisters and brothers in Christ and our dedication to building the Kingdom of God.”
– John 17:21