Frequently Asked Questions about Godparents and Christian Witnesses
What are my options for godparents for my child?
- Each family has a few options when it comes to godparents and Christian Witnesses:
- A child may be baptized with:
- No godparents and no Christian Witness
- Only one godparent and a Christian Witness of the opposite gender of the godparent
- A godfather and a godmother and no Christian Witness
- A child may be baptized with:
Who can be a godparent?
- Godparents are to be fully initiated Catholic Christians who meet the minimum standards listed in the Canon Law of the Catholic Church:
- Baptized, Received Confirmation and First Communion in the Catholic Church
- Are at least 16 years or older
- If married, have received the sacrament of Matrimony in the Catholic Church (or a Convalidation in the Catholic Church
- If single, are not living with someone outside of marriage
- Participate regularly in Sunday Mass and Communion as a practicing Roman Catholic.
- Celebrate the sacrament of Reconciliation at least once a year.
- Give witness to his/her faith in Jesus Christ in word and deed and strive to live out this commitment to the Gospel message.
- Intend to continue the practice of his/her Catholic Faith.
- Are a registered member of a Catholic Church
- Promise to support parents of the child in raising this child in the Catholic faith.
- General note: Someone who is baptized Catholic but it no longer practicing the Catholic faith is not eligible to be a godparent.
- Someone who is not Confirmed is also not eligible to be a godparent until they have been Confirmed.
Are there any forms or classes needed for godparents?
- Yes, each godparent needs to return a completed Godparent Eligbility Form (completed by the godparent and the godparent’s parish of registration)
- Each godparent also needs to complete a baptism class. This class can be completed at any Catholic Church from 2017 or later. A letter or certificate of completion would be needed from the parish where the baptism class was completed.
- Godparents are welcome to sign up for an in-person baptism class here
What is a Christian Witness?
- When a family chooses to have only one godparent, then they can have the option of choosing to have a Christian Witness that is of the opposite gender of the godparent
- For example, if a child were to have a Catholic Godfather, then the parents could choose to have a female Christian Witness.
- A Christian Witness is someone baptized in another Christian denomination (Baptist, Methodist, etc.) and serves as a Cristian Witness of the baptism.
Are there any forms or classes needed for a Christian Witness?
- No classes are needed, but a proof of baptism is needed for the Christian Witness. This is commonly a copy of his/her baptismal certificate or a letter of baptism from their church.
Can a baptized Catholic be a Christian Witness?
- A baptized Catholic would be eligible to be a Godparent if they meet all the minimum requirements to be a godparent. A baptized Catholic would not be eligible to be a Christian Witness.